We know that hearing “you have type 1 diabetes” is tough for everyone in the family. The American Diabetes Association (ADA) is here to support you. The ADA Courage-Wisdom-Hope Kit for children with type 1 diabetes helps every kid feel smart, brave and ready to live a great life.
This free kit cannot replace the need to see your health care professional team, but it may help fill in some blanks. Contents include:
- Parent Guide
- Kid’s Interactive Guide
- Sibling Guide
- Drawstring “go” bag—sized for a meter, strips, glucose tablets, snack and other necessities
- Write-on emergency contacts magnet and pen
These can be ordered by going to www.diabetes.org/newlyT1D or call (800) 342-2383. Please share with anyone that can help us spread the word. Just another way to remind families we are here to support them every step of the way!

Whether in clinical practice or a classroom, managing diabetes effectively is complex and requires a team approach. Take advantage of these diabetes education resources and tools designed especially for health care professionals and school personnel. They have been created by experts from the National Diabetes Education Program and other organizations and are based on the latest scientific research.

Clinical Settings and Health Care Professionals
These clinical practice tools and patient education materials addressing control and prevention will help you to identify and counsel patients with prediabetes to help prevent the onset of the disease and work with patients with diabetes to take control and prevent the devastating complications.

Find tools to empower school personnel, parents, and students to ensure a safe learning environment and equal access to educational opportunities for all students with diabetes. Also learn about diabetes in children and adolescents and how you can help them manage their diabetes.