Diabetes Prevention Team

KDN has four active action teams that develop strategic priorities to improve diabetes outcomes across Kentucky.

Diabetes Prevention Action Team


This action team focuses on evidence-based strategies for the prevention of type 2 diabetes and seeks to partner with other organizations and entities also working on this issue.

Goals: Increase, Promote, and Facilitate:

  • Awareness of and screening for PREDIABETES
  • Evidence-based lifestyle change programs such as the National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP)
  • Referrals to DPP
  • Training opportunities for DPP coaches
  • DPP reimbursement strategies
prevention of type 2 diabetes


Andrea Doughty
[email protected]


Diabetes Prevention Action Team Efforts Include:

Sharing ideas, information, successes, and barriers among healthcare professionals, payers, employers, the public and other interested advocates to expand DPP availability across Kentucky

  • Public service awareness messages about PREDIABETES, the need to be screened, and the availability of DPP
  • Number of healthcare professionals who provide screening and referral for PREDIABETES
  • Number of Kentucky CDC-recognized DPP organizations and supporting their
  • sustainability
    Tracking and sharing of DPP locations and class offerings
  • Attendance at DPP sessions
  • Coverage of DPP as a health benefit… and more

Diabetes Prevention Program

Tools and Resources

The National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is an evidence-based program proven to prevent or delay the development of type 2 diabetes. DPP is designed for people with PREDIABETES or at high risk for developing diabetes.

Find local, state, and national DPP resources here.

Kentucky National DPP Minutes:

2nd Quarter Conference Call Minutes from April 22, 2020

1st Quarter Conference Call Minutes from January 22, 2020

Action Team Minutes:

November 17th, 2021

June 11th, 2021
May 12th, 2021
March 5th, 2021
June 12th, 2020
May 14th, 2020


Type 2 diabetes affects millions of individuals and their families, workplaces, and the U.S. health care system.


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